Friday, October 30, 2009
DreamMakers VS. DreamBrreakres
Hi I'm Yasmin and I'm a Dream Maker,and the reason that I'm
a dream maker is because I surround my self with positive people and I try my best when ever I'm doing something that seem hard for me and those positive people that surround me Encourage do do things that when I don't what to do something. But Dream breakers don't have anybody to encourage them and just do bad thing's like skip school or do DRUGS and then they just get on the rode and get in to a crash and just go to jail and that's why you should always encourage people and never do DRUGS OR ALCOHOL because you will just go to jail or other bad thing's that will happen to them.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Adventures of Spike girl
One Day in New York this man named Tom Right he was a scienetist and Tom had a science lab that he did experiment's in.Then one day in the lab he wanted to make a super hero and tom wanted to name her Spike girl and Tom would make her out of metal but her heart was made out of metal but covered with gold but it never melted Tom wanted to make spike girl have power's and tom made her have mashine gun's in spike girl's eyes and she could fly in the sky and she could throw fire ball's but just then Tom Right heard lighting out side and he thought it would be a good time to bring Spike girl to come alive then Tom haged spike girl from rope under a hole so the lighting will hit spike girl and it worked she was alive and tom put a shirt on spike gir and it was a peace shirt and had blue jean's on and nike shoes.The next day Spike girl woke up and saw tom right in front of her and spike girl said are you my dad and tom said yes and she got out of bed and started to look around the house but she did not get to see it all because the house was to big . Then Spike girl went out side and was looking around and saw some people that she would wan't friends with them so she did there name's were Alexis and Bella and alexis has curly hair and bella has curly hair to and we started talking and somthing flow out of the sky and ever boby and it look like a big ball of naste stuff and it started to shack and something came out and it said I'm a villain and it said i want to fight you and spike girl so then spike girl started to use her mashine gun that was in her eyes the villain fell but got back up so then shse used her fire balls and it worked it died.Then we were runing because this man was trying to get spike girl but we got away but then we were in this bulding and this baby that truned in into a muscler baby and it has frot power's and when ever it frots it makes use fly back and i shout or throw what ever i had and it almost hit me but i flew up in the air and it fell because it triped the villan and it died.Spike girl never had to fight that villan ever again but she would have to fight other villains thow and just lived happy ever after.
Friday, October 16, 2009
My Label Song
Chorus: Start Tearing of my Labels. But some people aren't mean to you they are trying to make you fell sad. And when they are trying to make you fell bad that mean's that they fell bad about themselves so if they think you're ugly don't listen because they think there ugly.
Verse 1: I'm not a geek I'm not ugly. I'm me to the bottom of my feet so that who makes me,me . And just because you don't like yourself dose not mean that you have to be mean to other people.
Verse 2: So just tear of that negative labels and just move on and never live up to negative labels .Because negative labels don't get you anywhere ,So just live up to positive labels because positive labels always get you somewhere in life and get you were you are trying to get to.
Verse 1: I'm not a geek I'm not ugly. I'm me to the bottom of my feet so that who makes me,me . And just because you don't like yourself dose not mean that you have to be mean to other people.
Verse 2: So just tear of that negative labels and just move on and never live up to negative labels .Because negative labels don't get you anywhere ,So just live up to positive labels because positive labels always get you somewhere in life and get you were you are trying to get to.
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